Livpure Smart Touch RO+UV+UF+Mineraliser
Livpure’s Smart Touch RO Water Purifier is India’s first intelligent water purification system with touch technology. Its advanced 8-stage water purification system helps clean and disinfect water at 24 LPH (litres per hour). Its taste enhancer kills odour-causing elements from water and gives out purified water that’s free of any foul smell and taste.Its water storage capacity is 8.5 litres. The water purifier helps eliminate turbidity; minerals such as chlorine, calcium, and magnesium; organics such as pesticides; as well as THMs, bacteria, and viruses. Buy this water purifier online from the Livpure website at a reasonable price.The water purifier provides multiple dispensing options: Customized glass, customized bottle, and continuous water flow.The 8 different stages of the purification system are as follows:Pre-Filter: This is the first stage of filtration, and it involves removal of coarse impurities from tap water. Anti-Scalant Cartridge: This filter or cartridge, as the name suggests, softens and chelates scale-producing salts in water. This process helps elongate the life of the RO membrane. As a result, the purification capacity of the system is enhanced. Sediment Filter: The sediment filter helps in the removal of fine and coarse particulates in water. Pre-Activated Carbon Filter cum Adsorber: The pre-activated filter helps in adsorbing chlorine and organic impurities such as pesticides.
Organic compounds that impart bad smell and hazy color to water are removed by this filter. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane:The RO membrane performs one of the most important functions in the purification system. Water received by this filter is subjected to high pressure, which helps in removing traces of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and THMs from water. Microbes that are harmful for health, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, are also eliminated. Mineralizer: The resultant water from RO is passed through this filter for taste and quality enhancement. Necessary minerals get added to water, and its pH value gets balanced as a result. Ultra-Filtration Cartridge: The ultra-filtration cartridge works by removing fine, suspended impurities from water. It removes bacteria, giardia, cysts, etc. present in the resultant water. Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Column: This column takes care of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, thus providing clean, potable water.